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Bagaimana memasak Nastar Cookies Sedap

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nastar Cookies. Indonesian Nastar Cookies have delicious pineapple inside. These cookies are eaten for Natale (Christmas) I won't lie… Nastar cookies are difficult even for Indonesian people to get exactly right. Nastar or pineapple-filled cookie is one of the classic popular cookies in Indonesia.

Nastar Cookies Nastar (Pineapple shortbread cookies / Tarts) Recipe source: From the oven. Raja Nastar. eeeeee di Promosiin lagi RAJA NASTARNYA. Delicious Cookie Recipes, Yummy Cookies, Flake Recipes, Indonesian Cuisine, Corn Flakes, Almond Cookies, Snacks, Food And Drink, Desserts. Kalian bisa belajar mengolah Nastar Cookies menggunakan 14 bahan dan 8 langkah. ini cara Kalian membuat.

Berikut bahan Nastar Cookies

  1. kamu butuh 400 gr mentega.
  2. menyiapkan 100 gr butter.
  3. berikut 150 gr gula halus.
  4. menyiapkan 1 sdt vanili.
  5. menyiapkan 2 kuning telur.
  6. kamu butuh 700 gr tepung terigu.
  7. berikut 50 gr susu bubuk putih.
  8. menyiapkan Selai nenas home made cooking (bisa liat resepnya di resep yang lalu ya...).
  9. kamu butuh Olesan :.
  10. kamu butuh 2 kuning telur.
  11. berikut 2 sdt minyak goreng.
  12. menyiapkan 1 sdt skm putih.
  13. berikut Untuk olesan, campur semua jadi satu dan kocok rata pakai garpu.
  14. menyiapkan Keju parut utk taburan.

These pineapple cookies called Kue Nenas or Kue Nastar in Indonesian, is one of the most popular traditional sweets to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The reason they are made and consumed. Line several cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats. One of the cookies is nastar.

berikut langkah cara membuat Nastar Cookies

  1. Mentega, butter, gula dan vanili dimixer rata kurang lebih 5 mnt..
  2. Masukkan kuning telur, mixer kurang lebih 3 mnt sampai semua adonan tercampur rata..
  3. Masukkan tepung dan susu bubuk sedikit demi sedikit. Aduk rata pakai spatula sampai semua adonan menyatu. Sisihkan.
  4. Ambil sedikit adonan, bentuk bulat, pipihkan dan isi dengan selai nenas. Lalu bentuk bulat lagi. Letakkan kue di atas loyang yang dialasi kertas roti. Lakukan sampai adonan habis..
  5. Olesi kue dengan kuning telur dan taburi parutan keju diatasnya..
  6. Panggang kue nastar selama 20 mnt utk api atas dan 5 mnt utk api bawah. (Sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing ya..).
  7. Setelah matang, biarkan hingga dinggin lalu simpan didalam toples.
  8. 😀 Selamat Mencoba 😀.

Nastar come from two words. nas means nanas (pineapple) which processed into sweet jam, and tar means tart or cake. But in fact it is not tart but cookies which is. Pineapple tart cookies are Chinese New Year must have cookies. If you love to really stuff your nastar with pineapple jam filling, feel free to make a double batch of the pineapple filling. Shutterstock koleksiyonunda HD kalitesinde Eid Nastar Cookies Packet temalı stok görseller ve milyonlarca başka telifsiz stok fotoğraf, illüstrasyon ve vektör bulabilirsiniz.