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Resep: Chocolate Cookies Enak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chocolate Cookies. These chocolate chip cookies were very, very good. I have been trying chocolate chip cookie recipes forever to find the perfect cookie and this one is very close. Everyone needs a classic chocolate chip cookie recipe in their repertoire, and this is mine.

Chocolate Cookies Reach for this Chocolate Cookie when the next chocolate craving hits. Once you have made the chocolate cookie dough, if you do not want to bake the cookies right away, you can freeze them. Chocolate Crinkle Cookies are just one of those classic cookies everyone loves! Kalian bisa belajar memasak Chocolate Cookies menggunakan 11 bahan dan 5 langkah. ini cara Kita mengolah.

Berikut bahan Chocolate Cookies

  1. menyiapkan 500 gram terigu.
  2. menyiapkan 3 butir kuning telur.
  3. menyiapkan 45 gram / 10 sdm coklat bubuk (vanhouten).
  4. kamu butuh 300 gram gula halus.
  5. kamu butuh 250 gram butter (me : wisman).
  6. kamu butuh 250 gram mentega.
  7. berikut 4 sdm maizena.
  8. kamu butuh Secukupnya Vanili.
  9. menyiapkan 3 sdm nutella coklat.
  10. menyiapkan Secukupnya choco chips.
  11. menyiapkan Terigu, coklat bubuk, maizena, vanili, campur jadikan satu.

Growing up we always had brownies dusted with a generous dose of powdered sugar on. Bake up the ultimate shareable cookie. For variety, replace the chocolate chips with an equal quantity of M&M's or chocolate chunks. We named this recipe "Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies," because it's got everything a cookie connoisseur could possibly ask for.

berikut langkah cara mengolah Chocolate Cookies

  1. Siapkan bahan2 seperti tercantum diatas yaa....
  2. Aduk mentega dan butter pakai spatula saja, setelah rata masukan gula halus, aduk sampai rata, baru masukan kuning telur, aduk2 hingga lembut menyatu.
  3. Masukan terigu, coklat bubuk, vanili, maizena, aduk hingga menyatu.
  4. Masukkan nutella coklat, aduk kembali, pakai tangan sampai bahan kue tidak lengket di tangan dan siap dicetak.
  5. Cetak kue sesuai selera, dan panggang selama kurleb 30 menit, biasanya kalau sudah masak suka harum, dan bagian bawah kue agak kekuningan, awas gosong yaa..😄 atasnya saya pakai choco chips👍.

With a texture that is slightly crispy on the outside and chewy on. Today I'm sharing with you the ultimate cookie recipe. This chocolate chip cookie recipe makes cookies which are soft and chewy in the centre while also. Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies. featured in Vegetarian Meals For The Day. The Chocolate Chip Cookie is a very popular dessert.