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Resep: Thai Tea Chiffon Cake Sedap

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Thai Tea Chiffon Cake. By using Green Tea Chiffon Cake as the example, this article describes in detail how to make chiffon cake, with the video demonstration, detail cook's note, printable recipe and downloadable file. Making green tea chiffon cake involve only a few steps. Making chiffon cake was one of my dreams after I started baking regularly since last year.

Thai Tea Chiffon Cake If you are new to chiffon cake, it is. Thai Tea Blondies with Sweetened Condensed Milk Frosting is the perfect dessert for Thai Tea lovers. I got to make that Thai Tea chiffon cake after all~ The cake is chiffon with boiled down, concentrated thai tea and milk. kamu bisa belajar memasak Thai Tea Chiffon Cake menggunakan 14 bahan dan 6 langkah. ini cara Kita mengolah.

Berikut bahan Thai Tea Chiffon Cake

  1. menyiapkan BAHAN A:.
  2. menyiapkan 6 kuning telur.
  3. berikut 85 ml air seduhan thai tea.
  4. kamu butuh 55 ml minyak.
  5. berikut 50 gr creamer kental manis.
  6. menyiapkan 2 sdm serbuk thai tea.
  7. kamu butuh 115 gr tepung protein rendah.
  8. berikut 1/4 sdt bakin powder.
  9. menyiapkan 2 sachet milk tea (untuk seduhan dan serbuk thai tea).
  10. kamu butuh BAHAN B:.
  11. menyiapkan 6 putih telur.
  12. berikut 1 sdm jeruk nipis/lemon.
  13. kamu butuh 1/2 sdt garam.
  14. kamu butuh 130 gr gula pasir.

I soaked it lightly with a mixture of condensed milk and instant coffee, then filled it with sweetened whipped cream. The drizzle is strawberry creme chocolate. Home › Cakes › Chiffon Cakes › Green Tea Chiffon Cake. Here's my adaption of the recipe Green Tea Chiffon Cake from the same book Okashi sweet treats made with love.

berikut petunjuk cara membuat Thai Tea Chiffon Cake

  1. Seduh 1 sachet milk tea dengan 150ml air mendidih, aduk, biarkan dingin, sisihkan (saya pake merk Maxtea tarik), yang di pakai 85 ml.
  2. Aduk dengan whisk Kuning telur, air seduhan thai tea, minyak, kental manis sampai rata lalu tambahkan serbuk thai tea dan terigu..
  3. Kocok putih telur, air jeruk dan garam sampai berbuih, masukkan gula bertahap (saya 3x) kocok sampai soft peak..
  4. Masukan bahan B ke bahan A secara bertahap, aduk lipat menggunakan spatula sampai tercampur rata..
  5. Tuang kedalam loyang sifon diameter 20cm. panggang di suhu 160°C selama 25 menit, keluarkan lalu belah atasnya dan lanjutkan mengoven selama 40 menit atau sampai matang sesuai oven masing2.
  6. Hasilnya wangi, lembut, tidak seret saat dimakan dan manisnya pas mom, cocok banget untuk temen ngopi/ ngeteh. Selamat mencoba.

I just love the aroma and taste of matcha or green tea powder in this light airy cake and it was gone within a day. This tea is like a cup of light dessert served in a sun room. I love most things lemon chiffon so had to try it. It did not disappoint but I do wish it had a stronger flavor. If you like lemon cake (and green tea), I think you will enjoy this one.