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cara mudah memasak Sharlotka (Kue Apel Rusia) Nikmat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sharlotka (Kue Apel Rusia). Sharlotka (Шарлотка) is the most well-known and easy Russian apple pie. This recipe uses honey, resulting in the most moist, healthy and Sharlotka is my grandmother's signature dish, much like my mother's Russian syrniki. Moist, delicate, light, tender and airy, packed with apples from our garden, it.

Sharlotka (Kue Apel Rusia) This recipe is so easy to make that Sharlotka can be baked on a weeknight. Sharlotka is a Soviet version of the exquisite Charlotte Russe dessert served at the Russian Tsar's court. Sharlotka is a simple apple sponge cake. kamu bisa belajar membuat Sharlotka (Kue Apel Rusia) menggunakan 6 bahan dan 9 langkah. ini cara kamu memasak.

Berikut bahan Sharlotka (Kue Apel Rusia)

  1. berikut 2 butir telur.
  2. kamu butuh 3 sdm gula pasir.
  3. berikut 5 sdm tepung terigu.
  4. kamu butuh 1/4 sdt vanili bubuk (ori: vanila esens).
  5. berikut Sedikit Baking powder (gak smp ¼ sdt).
  6. kamu butuh 2 buah apel fuji (ori: granny smith).

Affordable for everyone, it is still popular today. It won't take more than an hour to treat yourself to a pleasant sweet course. Sharlotka, or Apple Charlotte is probably the most popular Russian sweet cake. It is famous for being simple, affordable and quick.

berikut langkah cara membuat Sharlotka (Kue Apel Rusia)

  1. Siapkan bahannya..
  2. Kupas apel dan potong kecil..
  3. Ayak tepung terigu, vanili bubuk, dan baking powder..
  4. Masukkan dalam wadah telur dan gula, lalu kocok dg mixer hingga 10 menit..
  5. Masukkan campuran tepung ke dalam adonan telur aduk dg spatula saja..
  6. Masukkan apel potong, sisakan sebagian untuk taburan di atas kue, aduk rata..
  7. Masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang dan beri topping sisa potongan apel..
  8. Oven 175°C selama 50 menit hingga kecoklatan (sebelumnya oven sdh dipanaskan slm 10 menit). Saat matang keluarkan dr oven dan dinginkan..
  9. Sajikan dg taburan gula halus diatasnya😍.

No fancy ingredients are needed and the result is hard to spoil. If you need to fix something quickly for pudding. BEST soft and airy apple sharlotka cake we've tried. This apple sharlotka recipe is so quick and easy to make. The texture is perfect; soft and airy, and the cake is balanced with the perfect.