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Resep: Cheese cake with White Chocolate Mousse Sedap

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Cheese cake with White Chocolate Mousse. Spread the white chocolate mousse over the cooled cheesecake. For the sweetened whipped cream, beat the whipping cream and powdered sugar together until soft peaks form. Add the vanilla bean seeds and mix until slightly stiffer peaks form and the vanilla.

Cheese cake with White Chocolate Mousse Mango Key Lime CheesecakeTopped with Mango Mousse on a Vanilla Coconut Macaroon Crust. Easy white chocolate mousse made with cream cheese for an amazingly delicious treat that's perfect for Valentine's Day or any day! It doesn't get much easier than this white chocolate mousse. Kita bisa belajar memasak Cheese cake with White Chocolate Mousse menggunakan 17 bahan dan 11 langkah. ini cara Kalian membuat.

Berikut bahan Cheese cake with White Chocolate Mousse

  1. menyiapkan Cheese Cake :.
  2. berikut 60 g butter.
  3. menyiapkan 80 g cheese spread.
  4. berikut 120 g susu cair.
  5. menyiapkan 40 g terigu protein rendah.
  6. menyiapkan 20 g Maizena.
  7. kamu butuh 4 butir kuning telur.
  8. berikut 4 butir putih telur.
  9. berikut 100 g gula pasir.
  10. berikut 1 sdt CTT / air jeruk nipis.
  11. menyiapkan White Chocolate Mousse :.
  12. berikut 110 ml susu cair.
  13. menyiapkan 5 g gelatin.
  14. menyiapkan 2 sdm air.
  15. kamu butuh 175 g white chocolate.
  16. menyiapkan 100 g whip cream bubuk.
  17. berikut 200 ml air dingin.

Raspberries and white chocolate is already an amazing combination and the addition of cream. White Chocolate Cream Cheese Mousse Cake w/ Velvet Texture Spray. Cool slightly; stir in dissolved gelatin. In a large bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth.

berikut langkah cara memasak Cheese cake with White Chocolate Mousse

  1. Panaskan oven suhu 160 °C, siapkan loyang D 20 cm oles mentega dan beri alas kertas roti..
  2. Tim susu cair+cheese spread+butter hingga larut, diamkan sebentar. Dalam keadaan masih hangat masukan terigu+maizena yg sdh diayak aduk dgn wisk hingga tdk ada gumpalan. Masukan kuning telur aduk hingga rata..
  3. Kocok putih telur+air jeruk nipis hingga berbusa. Masukan gula dgn 3 tahap, kocok hingga soft peak..
  4. Masukan adonan putih telur kedlm adonan pasta aduk lipat dgn spatula..
  5. Masukan kedlm loyang. Oven dengan cara au bain marie selama 60 mnt atau sampai matang..
  6. Setelah matang, diamkan dalam oven dgn pintu dibuka sedikit selama 10 mnt..
  7. White chocolate mousse : cara buat bisa lihat di resep kue ulang tahun coklat saya..
  8. Letakan cake yg sdh dingin kedalam ring, lalu tuang adonan coklat putihnya. Masukan kedalam kulkas. Sy buat malam, pagi baru sy keluarkan dr kulkas..
  9. Lepas ring perlahan, lalu hias cake sesuai selera..
  10. Note : mousse cakenya tidak kuat disuhu ruang terlalu lama, jd harus masuk kulkas..
  11. Perjalanan dari rumah ke kantor sekitar 2 jam, karna takut lumer jadi cakenya saya kasih plastik pinggirannya. Dan dlm perjalan sempat ada polisi tidur yg ga kelihatan sehingga rem mendadak. Jadi si cherry bergeser 🤦‍♀️. Sampai di ktr sy langsung masukan ke frezzer. Ini penampakan setelah keluar dr frezzer..

Gradually add chocolate mixture and lime zest and mix. For the white chocolate mousse: Heat the rest of the milk over low heat, once it starts to boil, turn off the heat and stir in the white chocolate chunks. When the mousse cake has set, dust a little bit of black sesame powder on top if you want. Wrap a warm wet towel around the pan sides and hold for. The combination of cake, filling, and frosting in this recipe for white chocolate mousse cake is just sublime.