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Resep: Chocolate mousse brownies Nikmat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chocolate mousse brownies. Our delicious Cheesecake Brownie recipe combines fudgy brownies and creamy cheesecake. Our Fudge Brownies Have The Delicious Taste Kids Love & The Goodness Moms Want. These Chocolate Mousse Brownies are one of the BEST brownies I have ever made.

Chocolate mousse brownies Meanwhile, make the mousse by heating marshmallows, chocolate and milk in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring often until completely smooth. With an electric mixer, beat whipping cream until stiff peaks form. Spread mousse evenly over cooled brownies. Kalian bisa belajar memasak Chocolate mousse brownies menggunakan 20 bahan dan 10 langkah. ini cara Kalian memasak.

Berikut bahan Chocolate mousse brownies

  1. berikut Bahan brownies :.
  2. menyiapkan 2 butir telur.
  3. kamu butuh 100 gram gula pasir (me 60 gram brown sugar, 30 gram gula pasir).
  4. menyiapkan 1/2 sdt sp.
  5. kamu butuh 85 gram terigu segitiga biru.
  6. menyiapkan 15 gram coklat bubuk.
  7. kamu butuh 40 gram dcc dilelehkan dgn 90 ml minyak sayur.
  8. menyiapkan Bahan coklat mousse :.
  9. berikut 100 gr whipping cream bubuk kocok dgn 200 ml air es sampai kaku.
  10. kamu butuh 100 gram dcc serut.
  11. menyiapkan 50 ml susu uht.
  12. kamu butuh 1 sdt margarin/mentega.
  13. kamu butuh Panaskan uht, masukkan dcc sampai meleleh.
  14. kamu butuh Masukkan mentega, aduk.
  15. berikut Setelah hangat campurkan ke whipping cream tadi, aduk rata.
  16. menyiapkan Bahan ganache :.
  17. kamu butuh 125 gram dcc serut.
  18. menyiapkan 100 ml uht.
  19. menyiapkan Panaskan uht, jgn sampai mendidih. Matikan api.
  20. menyiapkan masukkan dcc sampai meleleh, aduk rata.

These chewy/fudgy brownies are topped with an easy, egg-free chocolate mousse for a rich chocolate dessert. Valentine's Day is just around the corner! Even though I'm not much of a romantic, I am more than happy to enjoy some chocolate. When brownies are cooled, finish the mousse layer.

berikut langkah cara membuat Chocolate mousse brownies

  1. Bikin browniesnya dulu ya.. Mixer telur, sp dan gula dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai kental dan berjejak..
  2. Ayak terigu dan coklat bubuk...
  3. Masukkan terigu dan cokbuk yg sdh diayak tadi, mixer speed rendah sampai rata.matikan mixer.
  4. Lalu masukkan coklat yg sdh di lelehkan dgn minyak, aduk balik.
  5. Tuang adonan ke loyang ukuran 20x10cm, yg sudah diolesi minyak,lapisi kertas roti, oles minyak lagi.daaarnya saja ya, samping2 nya tidak usah, supaya kue tidak mengkerut.
  6. Kukus 30 menit dengan api kecil..setelah matang Dinginkan dahulu...
  7. Cara penyajian : potong kue sesuai selera. Letakkan didasar cup, saya cup bulat ukuran 300 ml.
  8. Beri coklat mousse diatasnya, lalu siram ganache.. Tambahan coklat serut atau cocochip, apa aja deh buat toppingnya biar cantik 😁.
  9. Simpan dulu di dalam kulkas bawah biar adem...
  10. Nah, kl sdh adem boleh deh di coba.. 😍😍aq bikin langsung 2 resep, jadinya 8 cup..😁.

Add heavy cream (it should be very cold straight from the fridge) to a large bowl and mix until stiff peaks form. Add cooled chocolate mixture and mix til smooth. Spread mousse over cooled brownie layer. Not only were the brownies moist, fudge like, and chocolatey….but the mousse layer was creamy, rich, and was a great addition to the brownies! If you have a sweet tooth craving, these Dark Chocolate Mousse Brownies are jus the thing you need!