html hit counter Resep: Jepanese Cotton Cheesecake (Souffle Cheesecake) 3 bahan Sedap

Resep: Jepanese Cotton Cheesecake (Souffle Cheesecake) 3 bahan Sedap

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Jepanese Cotton Cheesecake (Souffle Cheesecake) 3 bahan. Japanese Soufflé Cheesecake Recipe (Fluffy and Moist Cotton Cheesecake) Cotton Cheesecake / Japanese Cheesecake is my new favorite dessert and after you try this recipe, it will become your favorite too! It's the perfect combination of sponge cake and cheesecake in both taste and texture.

Jepanese Cotton Cheesecake (Souffle Cheesecake) 3 bahan Whether you or your holiday guests are big cheesecake fans or not, I promise this dreamy dessert will be a sweet surprise. The Soufflé Cheesecake, also known as a Japanese Cotton Cheesecake, is made using only three ingredients: three eggs, some white chocolate and cream Want to know how this three-ingredient cheesecake is made? This fluffy and moist Japanese Cheesecake using meringue is very popular in Japan. kamu bisa belajar mengolah Jepanese Cotton Cheesecake (Souffle Cheesecake) 3 bahan menggunakan 3 bahan dan 7 langkah. ini cara Kita mengolah.

Berikut bahan Jepanese Cotton Cheesecake (Souffle Cheesecake) 3 bahan

  1. kamu butuh 1 butir telur.
  2. menyiapkan 40 gram cokelat putih (me: 45 gram).
  3. menyiapkan 549 gram cheescake (me:36 gram).

It is known as Souffle Cheesecake or Cotton Cheesecake. Also called Cotton Cheesecake, Japanese Cheesecake is light, fluffy, moist and less sweet than any other cheesecakes. And it is not difficult to make. I did not know this Japanese baked cheesecake was called Cotton Cheesecake because in Japan, it is called soufflé cheesecake or baked.

berikut langkah cara mengolah Jepanese Cotton Cheesecake (Souffle Cheesecake) 3 bahan

  1. Pisahkan kuning telur dan putih telur. Kocok putih telur sampai shofpeak/kaku, tandanya jika dibalik tak tumpah..
  2. Potong-potong cokelat putih lalu tim di atas air panas tapi tidak mendidih ( panasnya sekitar 60-80 derajat saja. Di masak sekitar 2 menitan sebentar saja dan langsung angkat aduk sampai mencair..
  3. Masukkan cheesecake aduk rata..
  4. Masukkan kuning telur..
  5. Masukan putih telur sedikit demi sedikit kedalam adonan kuning telur tadi..
  6. Panggang sampai matang, sesuaikan panas oven masing-masing. Saya pakai suhu 170 derajat selama 20 menit. Oven sudah saya panaskan terlebih dahulu. ketika mengoven tuang air panas di dalam loyang (metode au bain marie)..
  7. Setelah oven mati langsung angkat. sajikan..

Perfect Japanese Cheesecake / cotton cheesecake recipe for a pillowy soft, light-as-air & heavenly cheesecake, no crack top & straight side. If you have seen a Japanese cheesecake before, you will know that they are supposed to have a smooth lightly domed surface, straight sides, cottony texture. Cara membuat souffle cheesecake ini anda boleh tengok dalam video tutorial yang saya berikan di bahagian atas dan bawah dan baca tips yang pasti anda berpuas hati dengan hasilnya Japanese cotton cheesecake recipe - a detailed video tutorial with tips and tricks to help you make the BEST cotton cheesecake, light, soft, fluffy JCC is a special cake because it is the combination of a chiffon cake and a cheesecake. On the one hand, its method is pretty identical to chiffon method. Japanese cotton cheesecake, a very silky and soft cake with a soufflé texture.