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cara mudah Membuat Ginger cookies korea (maejakgwa) Enak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ginger cookies korea (maejakgwa). How to make these wonderful Korean cookies. Ingredients: Flour, salt, sugar, ginger, pine nuts, water, cinnamon powder, and vegetable oil. Cinnamon powder, flour, ginger, pine nuts, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, water.

Ginger cookies korea (maejakgwa) They are a traditional Korean cookie I'm not sure if the literal translation is "ginger twist" but the recipe involves flour and ginger juice. These lightly ginger flavored cookies are very crunchy and are covered with a sweet syrup. Not only are they delicious, they look very pretty. hi T, I wonder how it turned out after your maejakgwa got cool. kamu bisa belajar mengolah Ginger cookies korea (maejakgwa) menggunakan 9 bahan dan 12 langkah. ini cara kamu mengolah.

Berikut bahan Ginger cookies korea (maejakgwa)

  1. menyiapkan 280 gr terigu segitiga.
  2. berikut 1/2 sdt garam.
  3. berikut 1 sdm gula pasir.
  4. berikut 1 sdm jus jahe (jahe diparut trus diperas).
  5. berikut 120 ml air.
  6. menyiapkan Bahan saus :.
  7. berikut 120 gr gula pasir.
  8. berikut 120 ml air.
  9. menyiapkan 1 sdt bubuk cinnamon/kayu manis.

It suppose to be crispy after the sugar becomes harder. Korea is a peninsula situated in east Asia and is surrounded by Sea of Japan to east, Yellw sea to west and the Korean strait connecting Procedure: In a bowl mix together flour, salt, ginger. Add water little by little and make a soft dough. Crunchy and flavory ginger cookies with syrup and sprinkled pine nuts on top.

berikut petunjuk cara mengolah Ginger cookies korea (maejakgwa)

  1. Campur semua bahan..ulenin sampai kalis..di sih tulisnya sampai 20 menit...aku sepertinya ngak sampai 20 menit..kira2 aja..kl udah mulus..kalis...
  2. Bungkus adonan dengan plastik..diamkan sekitar 30 menit..lagi2 karena sdh malam..ngak nyampe 30 menit..palingan jg 15 menit..
  3. Keluarkan adonan dr plastik...roll adonan pakai roling pin...gilas tuh setipis2nya...
  4. Potong persegi 2cm x 6cm...nih yg bikin lama..pertama sih semangat..pakein penggaris...lama2...pakai kira2 aja...
  5. Adonan yg blm dikerjakan diplastikin biar ngak kering....
  6. Adonan yg persegi td di tengahnya di potong 3 garis tp jgn putus...
  7. Trus bagian atasnya dimasukin ke tengah lobang..biar dpt bentuk pita...aku krg berhasil ngebentuknya...
  8. Selesai ngebentuk...goreng deh...sepertinya aku terlalu lama gorengnya..jd coklat banget...
  9. Tips goreng nya dr maangchi..cara mengecek minyaknya sdh panas atau blm..goreng 1 dulu..temperatur yg pas..kalau adonannya di taruh di minyak lgs berlahan2 naik ke atas. (foto dr maangchi).
  10. Sirupnya : gula + air masak api kecil selama 20 menit..sampai setengah air menyusut... supaya sirupnya agak kental...(aku api besar dan ngak nyampe 20 menit..akibatnya sirupnya agak encer dan ngak gitu melekat ke cookies😂).
  11. Matikan api...tambahkan bubuk cinnamon/kayu manis...aduk rata...
  12. Tuang sirup ke cookies...kocok2...(biar kecampur semua).

HomeMade Ginger Cookies Recipe in Hindi - जिंजर कुकीज़ रेसिपी. Knead white wheat flour with ginger juice and add strawberry powder, mugwort powder, and gardenia water to the other three lots of wheat flour, mix. Maejakgwa is a Korean traditional cookie that's really popular. Here is the recipe coming from Maangchi one of the famous culinary expert in South Korea. How to make these wonderful Korean cookies.